Sep 16, 2009 |
Year in Review 2009 |
February, 2010 |
May 06,2010 |
June 30, 2010 |
Sep, 2010 |
Dec, 2010 |
May 2011 |
Aug 26, 2011 |
DEC 2011 |
MAR 09,2012 |
May 01,2012 |
Apr 14, 2013 |
May 30, 2013 |
Sep 02, 2013 |
September 2, 2013
Fall has arrived here in Wudang and after a harsh summer of nonstop heat and cloying humidity everyone is happy to welcome in the cooler weather.A few weeks back 5 students from the International Traditional Class were invited to take part in the CCTV show, 我要上春晚-“Wo Yao Shang Chunwan”, a program that showcases different groups and then has a panel of judges ask them questions and evaluate them.The winner is then chosen to move onto the next stage.The group from the academy won!Not only were they asked to be on the next stage of the show, but they were also awarded the prize from the show, which apparently is a 60 inch flat screen television!All of this past week, 11 members of the International Traditional Class have been preparing and rehearsing a new performance as they will return to Beijing next week to film for the next tier of the show.We wish them all luck!We will be sure to post the results from next week as soon as we have them.
This past Sunday, the first of September marked the 4 year anniversary of the start of the International Traditional Class.As a long time student at the academy, Daria will also be leaving soon, we decided to hold a party on Sunday evening to celebrate both of these occasions.With the end of summer, things are starting to slow down here a little at the academy, but the weather is fantastic for training and new students are arriving every day.The International Traditional Class has less than a year of training left before they return to their homes to begin teaching and spreading Wudang Wushu to the rest of the world!
With the start of Fall, remember to keep warm and protect against the wind as this is one of the times of year when it is easiest to catch cold.We hope to hear from you soon with your plans to come train here with us in Wudang!
Wudang Taoist Traditional Kung Fu Academy |
Website: http://www.wudanggongfu.com |
E-Mail: yxg@taoistkungfu.com , wudangkungfu@163.com |
Mobile: (0086)135-978-86695 |
Address: Wudangshan, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China 442714 |