Name : Benjamin Conway
Contact for Info:
I came to China in search of a training that was more in depth, more absorbing and more holistic than anything I'd previously found in Australia.
So, in August of 2009, I travelled to Wudang to take part in Master Yuan's 5 year Traditional Class.
I won't lie, at times it has been torturous, however I wouldn't trade that time or those experiences for anything.
The people here, other students, staff and Master Yuan are all so welcoming. It has helped me feel like part of a family and circle of friends while I'm away from my original one in Australia. This has been monumental in being able to dig deeper and keep on keeping on.
Through my good fortune at finding a Master like Master Yuan, I hope that in the next 4 years I can get the best out of myself and become a natural person as well as an excellent Wushu practioner.
If anyone wishes to contact me about training here, please don't hesitate.
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Name: Katarina Potocnik溪凯琳
Country: Slovenia
Since I was a little girl I have been very interested in martial arts, but when I arrive here everything changed. Even though I studied here only for a month, started to see the kung fu in total different aspect, which opened my eyes at some point. Really thank you all for the amazing experience of living and studying here and looking forward to come here again. |
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Name:David Evans
Country: Australia
Email: eskylid2006@yahoo.com
I came to Wudang on the 1st of May and trained with Master Yuan for 6 months and found it to be a real blessing. After arriving with fatigue and digestive problems I have pretty much had a complete turn around.
The Yu Xu temple grounds are great to train at especially having the Wudang mountains in the back ground and the occasional monk or nun walking past to set a wonderful atmophere... Click to browse... |
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Name: Donnie Allen
Country: USA
Shifu Donnie Allen (Yuan Zi Zheng) is a direct disciple of Master Yuan. He teaches classes and seminars in Clearwater, Florida ( U.S.A.) and is also available to conduct seminars and lectures nationally and internationally... Click to browse... |
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Name: Deepak Das
Country: Mumbai, India.
E mail: deepakdas.222@rediffmail.com
By profession I m a Martial Arts Coach and a fight choreographer for TV and films I am into martial arts since 1988 doing different art forms such as Modern Wu Shu, Tai Chi, Karate Budokan, Yoga ,Power Yoga, Kick Boxing & Muay Thai. I was always looking for a great and genuine master in Sang Feng Tai Chi and other forms internal martial arts.
Finally I got it….the precious and incredible teaching of Master Yuan Xiu Gang. I m very grateful to ... Click to browse... |
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Name: Shui Lian (Chinese name)
Country: Romania
Website: www.wudangshu.com
E-mail: carmen@wudangshu.ro
It is said that every human being has a destiny.
I've always looked for a way of transformation and I met Yuan Shifu at the moment when I needed his knowledge and Wudang practice.
I come to China every year
and I spend here three or four months practicing... Click to browse...
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Name: Kim Chhieu
Country: France
I don't want to lie to all of persons who will read my comments What I say below is only my personal point of view and feeling after 7 weeks spent in the Master Yuan’s school... Click to browse... |
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Name: Frank Altmann
Country: Germany
E-mail: altmann@taichi-frankfurt.de
Came here only for a short time. But it was nice. I will come back later again.
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Contry: England
I arrived at Mount Wudang mid-September and straight away was made to feel comfortable by master Yuan as I was asked what I was interested in learning over a cup of green tea. That afternoon I walked up to the temple to watch the students train and to get a feel for the place and after speaking to a few foreign students and seeing the temple for the first time (which is impressive) I was even happier with my choice of school here in China.
Over the next 6 weeks I studied Xing Yi and as a complete beginner, was glad that I had a good master to guide me as it wasn't as simple as I first thought it would be…the way that sifu teaches is very good as he takes into account your personal abilities, Click to browse... |
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Name: Reto Pulfer
Contry: Switzerland and Berlin website: www.artnews.info/retopulfer
E-mail: energyjoe@gmx.net
I came to the school by chance as I travelled to Wudangshan. Here I learned the 5 Animals Qi-Gong in just five days. It proves me health and gives my Chen-Style Tai Chi more quality. As an Artist I appreciate the Taoist knowledge behind the movements. |
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Country: Romania
Website: www.wuming.lx.ro
E-mail: huoying77@yahoo.com
I started studying Kungfu after I saw a Kungfu movie - ' The Undaunted Wudang ' , 23 years ago. Since then I was dreaming to get on Wudang mountain someday. The time spent in Wudang was the most profound experience I felt in my 23 years of Kungfu practice. I came here in 2006 and I studied for 2 months-september and october. I was deeply impressed by Shifu Yuan's... Click to browse... |
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Country: Romania
Website: www.wuming.n1.hu
E-mail: adiadrio@yahoo.com
I have been practicing Kungfu for 16 years and I am still learning this martial art. In 2006 my husband and I had the chance to come to China and our first wish was to reach the Wudang mountain. Although I spent only 2 weeks in Wudangshan ( after my husband and I took part at the Traditional Kungfu World Championship in Zhengzhou), I was impressed by the modesty of Shifu Yuan... Click to browse... |
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Name: Brandon J.
Country: U.S.A On November 1st I arrived in Wudangshan, from the start Master Yuan tries to pinpoint what each student wants to learn, but he will also guide you to make a good choose (depended on current ability and the reason you chosen to come to wudang such as increase health, etc...)
In my time he I learned so much, however, you must push your self to practice hard for you can retain the information given and to become more proficient in the... Click to browse... |
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Country: Holand
In 1997 it was the first time that I heard of Taijiquan. At that time I trained the origins of Silat (a Crane Style for Grace and Purity). The system is called “Bangau Putih” (White Crane)”. Mainly I learned also Qigong, the basic of beginning Taijiquan. Together in 1999 I learn the 24-Step Taijiquan (movements selected from Yang Style Taijiquan) and the 48-Step Taijiquan (Yang-,Chen-,Wu-and Sun-Style plus elements of Push Hands) and do them before I start to train new Forms. I came in China,
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Jean-Francois Perichon
Country: France
I stayed in the Academy six months and I learned taiji28 \taiji13 \taiyiwuxing-quan\ xuanwu-quan \taihe-quan \baguan-zhang\ five animal qigong and playing.
I really enjoyed training in the temple, the atmosphere; the energy of the place is unique. It is the best place in Wudang. The teaching of Sifu has been very helpful to understand the internal way, and gave me all the knowledge I needed to progress in Kung Fu. It has been a wonderful experience and definitely changed my perception and broadens my scope not only for martial arts, but also for life.
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Name: Nicolas Theiner
Country: Slovak Republic
E-Mail: nicolastheiner@hotmail.com
Hi, my name is Nicolas and by that time I was here in Wudang Shan I was 25 years old and did before two years of basic kung fu, including things such as MaBu, GongBu and some short ShaoLin Forms.
So when I came here I wasn't much of a pro and started learning Qi Gong and Tai Ji (28 Forms). Click to browse...
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Name: Kris Olsvik
Country: Canada
When I first arrived at Yuan Shifu's school I had no idea what to expect. I soon learned to enjoy the regular training and found myself loosening up in a painful way. All of my injuries started to come up and healed themselves through the practice. It has been a seemingly short 11 months here and I will miss it. I've learned a great deal about my body and mind simply by following Shifu's teachings.
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Name: David Wei (Taoist name - Wei Zi Rong)
Country: United States - California
E-Mail: ChinaGlant@Gmail.com
I first came to Wudang in the summer of 06' for three months. In that time, I learned Tai Chi 28, Five Animal Qigong, Hard Qigong, and Tai Yi Wu Xing Quan. Those three months of training transformed my life completely. Now, I am committed to 5 years of practice here on the mountain, and I have never been happier. Click to browse...
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Name: Mohammed Galal Hassan
Country: Egypt
First of all I would like to thank master Yuan for a great training opportunity. During my stay I improved my Sanda techniques by practicing with the training assistants, and I also improved my Tuishou skills by practicing with Master Yuan himself. I also got to practice 3 forms XuanWuQuan-TaiHeQuan-and 5 animal Qigong, I really have to say it was a good opportunity for me to improve my Kungfu skills and I wish to come back later one day. |
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Filippo Garini.
Country: Italy.
Dear Master Yuan, I'm hardly continuing my 5 animals Qi Gong practice and I can see that your teachings improved both my Qi Gong and also my Bagua. I wish I were there in your school cause I felt at home and I miss the energy and the atmosphere of Wudang. I can say without any doubt that I spent in Wudang one of the most important period of my life. Thank you again and see you next year. Filippo |
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Name: alexander ivanov
Email: alexander8169@yahoo.com
My name is Alexander and I began with martial arts at 1981, at that time I was 12 years old. With Tai Ji Chuan I have start 1984. During the years I have met many teachers and learned a lot, but coming to Wu Dang, I have discovered a new level.
There are a few things that make this Academy unique:
The environment and the life style are completely different from our usual. It helps the concentration and Click to browse... |
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Name: Amy Linhart & Marta Pueyo
Country: Islas Canarias ~ Spain
Email: valentinacorazon@yahoo.es
Nuestra estancia en la escuela del Maestro Yuan Xiu Gang ha sido una experiencia muy buena tanto a nivel personal como para nuestro Tai Chi Chuan. Hemos trabajado los cinco animales de Qigong y la forma de 28 Tai Ji ,ambos de Wutang. El ambiente en la escuela es muy faimiliar y la disciplina de las clases autenticamente china, los profesores son fantasticos y las clases y correcciones de Master Yuan un autentico tesoro. Una experiencia inolvidable…a repetir.
clik here to read in english ... |
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Name: Otakar Chochola
Country: Czech
Email: ochochola@gmail.com
Staying here has braught me a lot of experiences, fast developt and deep transformation. I was surprised about clear contact of the body and all the wisdom that was brought to the class. The leadership of master Yuan is really sensitive, friendly, objective and full of deep knowledge. This school brings a piece of history to life. |
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Name: Ralf Peekel
Country: Germany
Webside www.myzengarden.de
Email info@myzengarden.de
May 2008
It took me four years to return to the Academy. I found Yuan Shifu equipped with excellent English and an extremely warm welcome.
I enjoyed studying in the most pleasant manner with extreme knowledge transfer about the nitty grities in the ways of the Tai Chi.
Exercising in the new ... Click to browse... |
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Name: Mark Zanghi
Country: USA
Email: zanghi79@hotmail.com
I came to Master Yuan in search of traditional taoist training, to better my understanding of the Wudang style and to broaden my knowledge in the arts that I was currently studying . During a two month stay Master Yuan not only exceeded all of my expectations, but fulfilled all of my martial arts needs for a complete training. I left the school stronger, more focused and with the knowledge and experience you will not find anywhere else. I look forward to my return. Thank you Shifu |
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Name: Jürgen Gold
Country: Germany
I came together with Ralf in your academy and unfortunately the time thre was much to short.
Many thanks, that i could spend wonderful days in your academy. When i was a young boy and watched Kung Fu movies, it was my dream to
learn original at a chinese master. Many thanks to you, that you made possible that this dream of a young boy got fullfilled now at the
age of almost 53 years. But better late, than never. I am sure, i will repeat this.
best regards and many good luck for you, your family and your academy. |
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Country: french
Email: mathieuchan@gmail.com
Ni hao Shifu!
I would like to thank you for the 5 weeks I spent in your school.
The atmosphere is great thanks to the people who study there: the chinese and foreign students are really nice and interesting. I enjoyed a lot the life style in your school, the fact that everything become simple because you just have to focus on the training and take care of yourself. The food was good.
Also, your presence was very important as ... Click to browse... |
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Name: Ashley McKellar and Elizabeth McKensey
Country: Australia
Email: 1humanash@gmail.com
My wife and I studied at the Academy for 2 months in 2008. We both have a background in karate, but have never studied tai chi before. We choose to come here because of the emphasis placed on internal martial arts. Master Yuan and his coaches teach tai chi with a deep level of understanding of its applications and its effects on the body of the practitioner. We have also learnt basic gongfu and feel that Master Yuan’s emphasis ... Click to browse... |
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Name: Alexandre Molina
Country: Switzerland
Email: alexandre.molina@hispeed.ch
Diesen September bin ich zum zweitenmal zu Master Yuan nach Wudang gekommen. Das Training ist sehr intensiv und ich habe viel gelernt. Besonders gefällt mir die Trainingsstruktur. Morgens Qi Gong, danach 2 Trainingseinheiten mit Basics und am Abend Meditation. Master Yuan verfügt über ein wertvolles und sehr fundiertes Wissen der inneren Alchemie. Kampfkunst ist sein Leben und das vermittelt er auch so. Click to browse... Click to browse English... |
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Name: Avi Shragai
Country: USA
Master Yuan's school is unique and exceptional. Though everything taught at the school is strictly traditional,
Master Yuan approaches students with compassion and understanding. From my first day I found that the training
exposed the weaknesses in my body and, while the classes were ... Click to browse... |
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