REGULATIONS AND GUARANTEE LETTER FOR THE WUDANG DAOIST TRADITIONAL GONG FU ACADEMY I������������������������������have read all the Wudang Daoist Traditional Gong Fu Academy��s enrollment details, rules, and regulations and thoroughly understand and agree to the learning program set forth.I am willing to enroll in the professional traditional wushu program foryears and guarantee to finish the curriculum.I will strictly obey the school��s and staff��s arrangements.I will train hard and diligently in both wushu and Dao.If I commit mistakes I am willing to change and accept punishment.I will strive towards a proper attitude, including my continued growth, taking care of shared property, be on time to class, and to live a healthy and regular lifestyle.I will not smoke, drink, insult or fight with other students.I will live harmoniously with other students and refrain from discussing politics.While in school I will not practice or discuss ideas that are not compatible with the learning program and atmosphere.I will actively and respectfully attend to all internal and external affairs (such as reception, performance, media visits, etc.).
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